Have you ever been sold something and then felt like you needed a shower afterwards? We have all had uncomfortable selling experiences in our lives. What if you could sell your...
A future sale is a good alternative to a short-term partnership where the practice owner does not plan to work more than seven years. Learn why a letter of intent is crucial.
Unlock the full potential of your practice by mastering case acceptance and key metrics—learn how small changes in case presentation can significantly boost production and profitability...
Narmeen Arshad / 2098405051 / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Leaky gut is multifactorial, with nutrition being one of the more important etiologies. Drs. Scott Froum and Nathan Estrin look at the role proper nutrition plays in mitigating...
More content from Volume 114, Issue 9 (October 2024)
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In part three of this series, the authors explore perhaps the most complex approach to business valuation—the income-based approach—which is based on the business’s ability to...
Howard Glazer, DDS, FAGD, is here to talk about the benefits of the Jacobson Innovations Butterfly Matrix, BeautiLink SA by Shofu Dental Corporation, and the Pola Light Advanced...
Dr. Rebekah Browder says the process of case acceptance begins well before the patient sits in your dental chair. Follow along as she explains how her practice approaches the ...
Dr. Gordon Christensen details the considerations involved in replacing one missing tooth with an implant, abutment, and crown or a three-unit fixed prosthesis. Share these with...
New dental graduates can build a successful practice by mastering case presentations and implementing follow-up strategies to boost case acceptance and foster trust
Kateryna Zakharova / 1421380329 / iStock / Getty Images Plus
You know the power of before-and-after photos. Take the time to make sure the ones you share with your patients are high-quality and some of your best work.
Not sure whether you should acquire in-office milling technology? Dr. Shahin Issac Bina shares his insights and experiences to help guide you through this significant decision...