High occlusion is mostly avoidable if a few steps are taken to ensure that the occlusion will be correct 95% of the time. Dr. Scott Cairns offers seven tips for achieving proper...
After a disastrous experience in dental school, Joshua Austin, DDS, MAGD, ignored glass ionomers for a decade of his career. Now, he wishes he hadn’t. Find out why.
Are you aware of any bottlenecks in your office that may be lowering your productivity or profitability? Even more importantly, is there a possibility that some of the bottlenecks...
Dr. Martin Jablow explains how artificial intelligence and other dental technologies are making it easier and more effective to monitor critical areas of the dental practice to...
Generally, dental practices either participate as in-network providers, or they operate on a fee-for-service model. But the truth is, offering insurance doesn’t have to be all...
Dr. Erin Elliott says: “I don’t hate quadrant class II composites, but when each failed composite restoration costs $292 plus patient anguish, I want to be sure I get it right...
Dr. Gordon Christensen says it is his observation that most dentists do not completely understand the concept of informed consent. He explains the full process with a patient ...
Most practice owners need help managing the business side of their practices. If you do not manage your practice as a business, chances are you will not be happy.
Dr. Richard H. Nagelberg examines recent studies on the use of SRP plus LAA on all-cause and disease-specific health-care costs for periodontitis treatment/management in patients...