Pearl 1
Click here to enlarge imagePearl 1: Alfa Triple Tray by Premier. Here is an intriguing new idea — take an upper and lower impression simultaneously while reducing the gag reflex. That's exactly what the new Alfa Triple Tray does. This tray, designed by dentist Dr. Jim DiMarino, revolutionizes full-arch impressions. Dr. DiMarino designed the Alfa to take advantage of the patient's tongue rather than fighting it. The Alfa tray's unique, palate-free design engages the patient's tongue to restrict the posterior flow of the impression material. This keeps the tongue in a much more natural position and actually eliminates gagging.
With this tray, you can mix the alginate and load both the upper and lower at the same time, cutting your chair time in half. You simply place the loaded tray in the mouth and have the patient close into the impression material. This action simultaneously captures upper and lower impressions. Since the patient is biting into the tray, it's unnecessary to hold the tray in place. When the impression material is set, it's easy to remove the tray — simply instruct patients to open their mouths. My patients greatly prefer this method to traditional metal or plastic trays. There are some tricks to placing the loaded tray in the patient's mouth and you can learn these by watching a free tutorial at
This is a great technique for quickly taking impressions for custom-made whitening trays. We can get both impressions at once, pour the impression with a fast-setting stone, and then make custom bleaching trays and deliver them before the patient leaves. In our office, we use the new alginate alternative VPS impression materials like Zenith/DMG's Status Blue and 3M ESPE's Position Penta to make an even easier impression. The Alfa Triple Trays are available in small, medium, and large sizes from your dealer. They are packaged with a trial pack on the outside so you can quickly try the trays without opening the entire package. Another great idea from a dental office! Contact Premier at (888) 670-6100 or visit their Web site at for more information.
Pearl 2: ELECTROtorque plus from KaVo. At the top of my list of products that I cannot practice without is the electric handpiece. This system has tremendously enhanced the way I practice clinical dentistry. The electric handpiece provides a constant torque that allows you to cut teeth precisely and quickly with little effort. Even at slow speeds, the electric hand piece provides the same constant torque that allows easy refinement of preparations.