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An anesthetic unlike any other

Aug. 1, 2000
Septocaine™ from Septodont. Dentists in Canada make many claims for this anesthetic, such as its ability to infiltrate in the buccal vestibule of the lower premolars and prep the lower anteriors almost immediately. Other claims include a 100 percent success rate on children with infiltration only and a two-hour duration of the anesthetic. There are even claims that you get some lingual anesthesia simply because of the diffusion of the anesthetic from the buccal.

Joseph Blaes, DDS

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Septocaine™ from Septodont. Dentists in Canada make many claims for this anesthetic, such as its ability to infiltrate in the buccal vestibule of the lower premolars and prep the lower anteriors almost immediately. Other claims include a 100 percent success rate on children with infiltration only and a two-hour duration of the anesthetic. There are even claims that you get some lingual anesthesia simply because of the diffusion of the anesthetic from the buccal.

When I read all of this information, I called a few Canadian dentists whom I respect and carefully questioned them about their use of Articaine. They found the onset to be rapid and profound, with duration much longer than the literature claims. Patients reported that they have never felt so "numb" before. They also reported that they were using less anesthetic because less seemed to be required to get profound anesthesia. They felt that the patients did not metabolize the anesthetic as fast as others.

The good news is that Septodont has announced FDA approval of Septocaine™, which has as its active ingredient articaine hydrochloride. I tried the anesthetic after FDA approval and found all of the claims to be true. I will definitely use Septocaine™ as my anesthetic of choice. So, thanks to the folks at Septodont, we now have access to another great tool for patient comfort. I urge you to try Septocaine™ for yourself. I know that you will be amazed by the results you will get with this local anesthetic. It is unlike any local anesthetic that you have used in the past. Order Septocaine™ from your dealer, or call Septodont for more information.

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Viroxyn™ by Quadex Labs, Inc. I am constantly looking for a treatment for cold sores and fever blisters. Last year, 40 million Americans had a cold sore. If you were one of them, you know how it is. For some, it is an inconvenience; for others, it means taking some time off from work. For most it is a painful experience that can last for days. For those who get sores frequently, it is a condition that has a real impact on their lives. The sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Type I virus and are easily passed from one person to another. Most of the products on the market today are not completely effective for all people.

Quadex Labs, Inc. has developed Viroxyn™ for the treatment of the herpes virus. The single-dose, single-application treatment destroys HSV-I and HSV-II on contact and halts viral shedding, which prevents transmission of the disease. Viroxyn™ is immediately effective and can be used at any stage of the infection. When used at the "tingling" stage, it halts the progression of the virus and no sore is formed. When the sore is in the full, ruptured, weeping stage, the product stops the sore`s progress in a matter of minutes and promotes an immune response as well as healing. In almost every case, the sore is completely healed within 72 hours or less.

Viroxyn™ is a proprietary mixture of quaternary ammonium chlorides, dimethyl carbonyl, and other chemicals in a unique method of application. The unique packaging is compact and can be carried in purse or pocket, making it readily available for the treatment of cold sores. Viroxyn™ is only dispensed through dental offices. To order, call Quadex Labs at (801) 255-4677.

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Lee Pharmacy. Very few small pharmacies will compound prescriptions for you. A pharmacist from Fort Smith, Ark., called me the other day to say that they compound a lot of drugs. If you have certain formulas that must be compounded and are looking for a source, visit

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DuraLite® Composite Placement Instruments by Nordent Manufacturing, Inc. Nordent now has nine new composite-placement instruments that will give you smoother, more accurate restorations in less time. All nine patterns come with the DuraLite® Round handle that has a large 3/8-inch diameter.

When you first look at these instruments, they look heavy and bulky, but they are unbelievably light! The larger diameter actually makes the instrument easier to hold, and it is easier to clean because it does not have finger grips to trap blood and debris. The texture of the DuraLite® handles gives it slip-free control. These instruments were designed by dentists who do composites. Wow! That`s a really interesting concept - going to the end user to find out what they want in an instrument.

I have two favorites that I have been using for quite some time now. The REPFILRT (Pearl 4a) is an instrument that has unique, curved blades that fit the shape of a tooth. The flexible blade gives you the touch you need for better restorations. They are super-thin, so you can use them in the interproximal area of the teeth. The other instrument is the REPFI20T (Pearl 4b). I use this one in the posterior to carry material to the tooth with the familiar paddle end, and then condense with the neat rounder condenser on the other end of the instrument.

The blades of all nine instruments are titanium nitride-coated (that`s the gold color), which makes them scratch-resistant and reduces sticking and material pull-back. Don`t you just love it when you have your restoration looking just right and then your instrument takes that instant to pull away some material ... and you have to start all over? That won`t happen with these instruments.

If you are involved with composites, you owe it to yourself to try these placement instruments. Nordent has been making dental instruments in Chicago for more than 25 years, so they have the experience to be your instrument company. For details, call Nordent at (800) 966-7336, or order from your dealer.

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Dr. Blaes has a general practice in the St. Louis area. He is known for his expertise in dental materials and techniques and his innovative systems designs. He writes and lectures on "How To Increase Productivity and Profitability." Dr. Blaes is a member of the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration. He may be reached at (573) 686-2388.

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