Click here to enlarge imageDr. Dalin notes that the committee does have plans for a repeat event, and ultimately hopes that Give Kids a Smile will be held twice a year to serve even more children. "As dentists and dental hygienists, we possess unique talents. We are the only people who can do what we do on a day-to-day basis. If we don't reach out to these children to meet their dental needs, no one else will. And we can't do it alone," said Dalin. "On behalf of all of the participating dental professionals, I'd like to thank the many other participants whose contributions helped not only to make this event possible, but ensured its success."
"The need for dental care among the less fortunate in our community has never been greater, and we, along with all of the other volunteers and contributors, appreciated the opportunity to play a role in helping to meet that need during this great event," said Steve Gaal III, president and CEO of Delta Dental of Missouri. "We salute the Dental Society and everyone else involved for making Give Kids a Smile a reality and allowing us to be a part of it."
Give Kids a Smile Organizing Committee Members:
• Ray Storm, Jeff Dalin, Jan Storm, Tom Flavin, Karen Reiner, Mark Dolson, Bob Butler, John Landgraf, Kurt Studt, Norm Frieberger, Don Gutting, Joe Sokolowski, Ollie Fisher, Mark Ortinau, and Roy Bedrock
• Dr. John Mahoney and Downtown Dental Associates, who hosted the event
• Delta Dental of Missouri, whose contributions included providing the volunteers' lunches and T-shirts and donating professional services to create the event logo and promote the event
• Service International, which provided numerous volunteers for on-site coordination and helped with transportation
• Appollo Dental Supply, First Pacific, Dexis Digital Radiology, and a host of other dental companies