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Zirconia: A look at key insights and challenges with Dr. Gordon Christensen

March 20, 2025
Don’t miss this curated e-book full of articles and advice from one of dentistry’s foremost experts on the merits and challenges of working with zirconia.

Dental Economics editors have curated this e-book to highlight the merits of zirconia and address some common challenges. All authored by renowned industry expert Dr. Gordon Christensen, this e-book includes articles on:

  • Challenges with zirconia and lithium disilicate crowns: Dr. Christensen shares practical solutions for common issues dentists face when using these materials.
  • Addressing problems with cementing zirconia crowns: Crowns coming off during service continues to frustrate dentists. Dr. Christensen suggests methods to reduce or eliminate the problem.
  • Which type of crown is best: Confusion abounds regarding what type of indirect restoration is best for specific situations. Dr. Christensen shares advice backed by scientific research.

Sponsored by: Shofu, 38 Smiles Dental Lab, Tokuyama Dental America Inc., Kansas City Dental Lab, Zest Dental Solutions, W&H Impex