Procera AllCeram crowns

June 1, 1998
The flexural strength of Procera AllCeram crowns is said to be two times that of other all-ceramic systems. This high strength allows for traditional 1mm chamfer-type preparations and conventional cementation, saving the dentist time. The Procera coping is manufactured using a high-tech industrial CAD/CAM process. This ensures optimal fit, strength, and translucency. The AllCeram porcelain offers low wear against natural enamel and remarkable esthetics with natural shade-blending.

The flexural strength of Procera AllCeram crowns is said to be two times that of other all-ceramic systems. This high strength allows for traditional 1mm chamfer-type preparations and conventional cementation, saving the dentist time. The Procera coping is manufactured using a high-tech industrial CAD/CAM process. This ensures optimal fit, strength, and translucency. The AllCeram porcelain offers low wear against natural enamel and remarkable esthetics with natural shade-blending.

Glidewell Laboratories offers Procera AllCeram crowns for a special price with a turnaround time of eight working days.

Additional information, along with a restorative selection guide, can be obtained by calling Glidewell Laboratories at (800) 854-7256 or e-mail to [email protected].

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