Colgate® Total® Fresh Stripe™

April 1, 1999
Colgate-Palmolive Company is set to hit stores nationwide with Colgate® Total® Fresh Stripe™ toothpaste.

Colgate-Palmolive Company is set to hit stores nationwide with Colgate® Total® Fresh Stripe™ toothpaste.

Colgate® Total® Fresh Stripe™ delivers the same therapeutic benefits as original Colgate Total®, providing long-lasting protection against gingivitis, plaque, caries, calculus, and bad breath. To this, the company has added a second great flavor in a green-and-white gel form to broaden its appeal.

The highly effective formula of Colgate Total® and Colgate® Total® Fresh Stripe™, containing fluoride and the antibacterial ingredient, Triclosan, has been demonstrated clinically to help reduce gingivitis (by 28% to 88%), plaque (by 11% to 59%), caries and calculus (up to 50%), and bad breath (up to 65%)1. In addition, its formula (patented until 2008), also contains a co-polymer, Gantrez, which helps the Triclosan to keep working between brushings. No other toothpaste manufactured in the U.S. contains Triclosan or has been cleared to make claims for gingivitis and plaque reduction.

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1Journal of Clinical Dentistry Volume 2 1996 pages S1-S14.

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