Dental Imaging Suite™

Sept. 1, 1999
DICOM Imaging Systems Inc. announces the release of Dental Imaging Suite™ for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT. Dental Imaging Suite™ combines two complementary products - Image Explorer and Image Editor - with four, value-added modular upgrades. Image Explorer is a Windows-based, 32-bit, dental-image management and archiving solution that reads and writes DICOM 3.0 Part 10 data files. It also captures images in popular graphic-file formats from a variety of sources, including, but not limit

DICOM Imaging Systems Inc. announces the release of Dental Imaging Suite™ for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT. Dental Imaging Suite™ combines two complementary products - Image Explorer and Image Editor - with four, value-added modular upgrades. Image Explorer is a Windows-based, 32-bit, dental-image management and archiving solution that reads and writes DICOM 3.0 Part 10 data files. It also captures images in popular graphic-file formats from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, digital cameras, intraoral cameras, select digital X-ray systems, and operating video microscopes. Images then can be stored in a logical, easy-to-use electronic patient-file cabinet for future review, comparison, printing, and communication.

Image Editor allows the user to enhance images obtained through Image Explorer without permanently altering the image from its original state. Enhancement functions include image resizing, color and contrast modification, sharpening, cropping, and reorienting.

Dental Imaging Suite™ also provides support for four value-added, modular upgrades: Simulator, X-Ray, Whitener, and Lab RX.

For more information, contact DICOM Imaging Systems, Inc. at (877) 62-IMAGE.

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