Click here to enlarge imageAquasafe Dental Waterline
Filtration System
Pall Medical
(888) 676-7255
++++1/2/93%, Vol. 17-6
The water quality exiting from dental unit waterlines is increasingly being seen as a problem. Patients and dental practitioners can be exposed to bacterial contamination in water and aerosols that present potential risks. Aquasafe is a reusable, in-line filter housing that can be retrofitted to any existing dental waterline connected to an air/water syringe, handpiece, or ultrasonic scaler.
The disposable filters remove debris, bacteria, and endotoxins. The lightweight housing has a neat appearance and attaches on the tubing close to the handpiece. Bacterial testing revealed a 97 to 99 percent reduction in bacterial counts with the filter in place. The ADA recommends bacteria levels of less than 200 cfu/ml. The standard Aquasafe filter reduces counts to less than 40 cfu/ml, and the high-performance filter reduces counts to less than 10 cfu/ml.
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