Loaded issues
Over the past 10 years, I have enjoyed and found interesting the articles written in Dental Economics on practice management styles. However, the article written by Dr. Paul Homoly entitled, "If dentists worked at Macy's" was very disappointing to me. To suggest that an individual, in a fit of anger or irritation, could "fantasize about reaching into your purse, slipping out a hand gun ..." is beyond enjoyment or interest. This type of analogy should never be used as a solution, analogy or otherwise, to a particular challenge, especially given the recent events in our country and the violent society in which we live. I believe it is the responsibility of Dental Economics to edit the articles it prints for this type of content and believe Dr. Homoly to be above the use of this type of content. We are a profession based upon the premise of helping people attain the best oral health care possible. To offer analogies contradicting that is both unwarranted and unprofessional.
Katherine M. Hakes, DDS
Spokane, Wash.
Care with bridgesI just read Dr. Joe Blaes's comments on the Procera bridge in the December, 2001 issue of Dental Economics. My only comment is that further clarification should be made as to when to use these types of bridges or crowns that uses the CAD/CAM technology. If the preps are not ideal, or abutments are tipped, or greater than 2m occlusal clearance exists, the fact that the computer only spits out a coping that fits the die(s) without any correlation to the occlusion or possible amout of unsupported porcelain can and probably will lead to premature porcelain failure.
You could easily wind up with greater than 2mm of unsupported porcelain. I think this option will have its place but one must understand its limitations.
Barry Hammond
Greer, SC