Fig. 6
Click here to enlarge imageFig. 6 shows an ad featuring Jennifer, one of my patients who has been restored with porcelain veneers. Jennifer, a former Mrs. Louisiana and a spokesmodel for F.A.C.E., lives in Lake Charles, about a one-hour drive from Lafayette. Many Lake Charles residents come to Lafayette to do business or shop. I run ads with Jennifer in both Lafayette and Lake Charles. She has many beautiful qualities—hair, skin, eyes, face, and, of course, teeth. I chose this picture of her because the only feature that you can see fully is her smile. This is not the type of photo wedding or family photographers would take. They would want to show her full-length and from a more straight-on view. They also would have eliminated the shadows on her face. But that is exactly what I don't want. I only want her smile to be showcased.
Have you noticed that my ads have the same general look, except for a different photo? My ad is now branded and people tell me they look for my ads to see who is in them. We have patients asking my team what it is they have to do to be in one of our ads. Every ad's primary job is to send the patient to our Web site. Some 90 percent of our new patients say they came via our Web site. But, when questioned how they heard about the site, 50 percent say they came via our ads.
I use the same philosophy for my television commercials. I had a commercial made by Kim Guillot of Vision Video Productions. You can view it at to get Kim's contact information.You can also see how I use it by visiting my practice Web site at www.smiles
Kim designs and creates commercials for our local FOX television station. He helped me create a very inexpensive commercial that is highly effective. What he did was showcase as many of my patients as he could in a 30-second spot. I wanted as many patient photos in the commercial as possible, but without showing them too quickly so they could all be recognized. We then called every patient on the commercial to let them know the show and channel on which the commercial would be shown. Imagine the excitement when we call patients and tell them to watch "American Idol" because they will be on a commercial airing during the show! I have my phone number, and more importantly, my Web address prominently displayed during the commercial.
My ads work well, for little money, for the following reasons:
1) I take photos that are used to catch the eye and let the text and "before and after" photos explain the reasons to visit our office.
2) The ads are focused on sending patients to my Web site before they come see me. This helps new patients to be more educated on dental procedures before they arrive at our office.
3) The photos are unique and professional.
4) The photo is chosen based on where the ad will run and in what medium. I do not use clinical style photos for marketing.
5) I do not have a "one photo fits all" mentality.
6) Photos are taken by me of my patients.
7) All my ads look the same so it brands my logo.
8) We make sure the models in the ads know the issue in which the ads will appear and we provide them copies to show their friends.
These are some of the ways I use ads for external marketing. This is a small part of the marketing lecture I give at the genX digital photography courses. Anyone can be taught to take photos like this. The business of dentistry is now being driven by consumer market forces. Dental marketing must become mainstream if it is to be as effective as possible, but it does not have to be expensive. The marketing concepts I use work because I keep things simple and I have learned from the pros in marketing. I hope what I have shared helps you develop more productive practices.