Figure 4: Insertion of the third thread of the Flexi-Post into the root, demonstrating the adaptation of the shank
Ultimately, the grooves for the threads on the post are prepared. The further up the shank, the deeper the grooving because they have been exposed to a greater number of threads on the shank of the post. The split design results in an absolute decrease in the degree of insertional stresses. More importantly, the split-shanked design results in a fairly even distribution of stresses along the entire length of the shank in the root.11 Rather than having the insertional stresses concentrated around the lead thread, whatever reduced amount of insertional stresses are present are distributed benignly over the entire length of the post's shank.12
Under function, a split-shank threaded post can actually produce less stress to the tooth than a passively placed post. Certainly it cannot produce less insertional stress, because the very definition of a passive post is one that produces no insertional stresses. However, when one considers functional stresses, the split-shanked design distributes its functional stresses fairly evenly around all of the embedded threads. A parallel passive metal post that has the strength to stand up to functional forces without bending will distribute most of these forces through the shank, concentrating them at the apical tip of the post placement. A concentration of functional stresses, rather than an even distribution along the length of the shank, may be a strong secondary cause of root fracture. Research demonstrates that a split-shank design withstands higher functional stress loads than passive post designs.4
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3. Burgess JO, Summitt JB, Robbins JW. The resistance to tensile, compression, and torsional forces provided by four post systems. J Prosthet Dent. 1992;68(6):899-903.
4. Sabio S, Mondelli J, Bonachela V, Sabio SS. A comparative study of the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth between metal cast post and two resin-reinforced prefabricated systems in the intraradicular restoration. J Dent Res. 2002;81(Abstract 0324):A-67.
5. Wilson NH, Setcos JC, Dummer PM, et al. A split-shank prefabricated post system: a critical multidisciplinary review. Quintessence Int. 1997;28(11):737-743.
6. Drummond JL, Bapna MS. Static and cyclic loading of fiber-reinforced dental resin. Dent Materials. 2003;19:226-231.
7. Brown JD. Retentive properties of dowel post systems. Oper Dent. 1987;12:15-19.
8. Musikant BL, Deutsch AS. Endodontic post and cores, part two-design of the Flexi-Post. J Alabama Dent. 1985;69:42-46.
9. Deutsch AS, Musikant BL. The Flexi-Post as a tap-in post placement. General Dentistry. 1986;146-147.
10. Deutsch AS, Musikant BL, Antenucci G, Giusti P. Adaptation of a prefabricated post to dentin. J Prosthet Dent. 1985;53:182-184.
11. Cohen BI, Volovich Y, Musikant BL, Deutsch AS. Comparison of the photoelastic stress properties for different post-core combinations. Oral Health. 2001;91(10):63-72.
12. Cohen BI, Volovich Y, Musikant BL, Deutsch AS. Photoelastic stress properties for different post-core combinations. J Dent Res. 2002;81(Abstract 3478):A-428.
Allan S. Deutsch, DMD, FACD, and Barry L. Musikant, DMD, FACD, are codirectors of dental research and cofounders of Essential Dental Systems (EDS). They have authored more than 350 clinical articles published in domestic and international dental journals. Both are distinguished members of some of dentistry's most prestigious bodies. Practicing in Manhattan, New York, their 80-plus years of combined practice experience have crafted them into two of the top authorities in endodontics.