Disposable high-speed handpieces: A viable alternative

March 1, 2011
During a routine day, most dental practices place a lot of confidence in air-driven high-speed handpieces to perform properly ...

by James Jess, DDS

During a routine day, most dental practices place a lot of confidence in air-driven high-speed handpieces to perform properly in a variety of dental procedures and applications.

It is important to keep these handpieces in good working order to avoid any disruptions in workflow. It can be frustrating when one breaks down and leaves the dentist in need of a reliable substitute. When high-speed handpieces fails, and they will, what are the alternatives? Stop and replace a turbine? Grab another sterilized high-speed? Call a dealer representative to deliver a replacement handpiece? These are all viable options, but they can be time consuming and costly. With this in mind, it is recommended that you have more than one reliable back-up.

A new product that has recently been introduced is the Azenic DHP Disposable High-Speed Handpiece. Initially the test market users were skeptical, but later pleasantly surprised when they found that these disposable high-speeds could be used for a variety of procedures and applications. This throwaway handpiece is priced at only $15.

The Azenic DHP does provide enhanced infection control, since the product is used once. It can be helpful with "walk in" and immune-compromised patients, as well as procedures where elimination of lubricant discharge. The pneumatic device can be used for tooth extraction (particularly third molars) since it does not release chip-air, eliminating the concern of forcing air into an extraction site. Use it to cut off old crowns to protect your regular handpiece.

The Azenic DHP is a viable alternative disposable handpiece that is individually wrapped in a sterilized pouch (12 per box), so the handpiece can be easily stored until needed.

James Jesse, DDS, graduated from Loma Linda University's acclaimed School of Dentistry in 1973. He has been running a private practice in Colton, Calif., for the past 34 years. You may reach Dr. Jesse by e-mail at [email protected].

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