How to be more intentional,
think more clearly,
do more consistently,
and have what really matters.
Dick Biggs
Stress vs. Serenity
Prevention magazine recently conducted a national survey and revealed its "Top 10 Stressors" in an article titled "Yearning To Be Stress-Free ... What Aggravates Americans Most?"
Here are the top 10 stressors, according to that article:
10. Neighbors
9. Relatives
8. Sex
7. Loneliness
6. Children
5. Health
4. Marriage
3. Too many responsibilities
2. Career
l. Personal finances
Frankly, a stress-free life would be boring. Of course, a stressed-out life can lead to burnout and worse. Between boring and burnout is a balance based on managing stress by making time for serenity.
Try these suggested stress-relievers to gain more tranquility away from the office:
Spiritually: Depending upon your views, this can include prayer, meditation, Bible study, and active participation at your place of worship; or it might be a walk to enjoy nature or a community project.
Mentally: Whether it`s reading, listening to tapes, working crossword puzzles, writing, playing games, or whatever, make time to stimulate your mind apart from work and the daily grind.
Physically: This might be aerobic exercise like walking, running, hiking, biking, or swimming; a team sport like volleyball or basketball; or working in the yard or garden.
Emotionally: Options include weekend getaways and vacations, retreats, family reunions, eating out regularly with a group of friends, or having relatives over for dinner to celebrate special occasions.
There`s enough stress in the routine of life. You owe it to yourself, your family, and your friends to make time for serenity.
Dick Biggs is president of Biggs Optimal Living Dynamics. An inspirational speaker, he is the author of If Life Is a Balancing Act, Why Am I So Darn Clumsy? For more information about Mr. Biggs, call (770) 886-3035. His e-mail address is [email protected].