M3 UltraFast® Automatic Sterilizer from Midmark — Nothing upsets my dental practice more than an equipment breakdown.
M3 UltraFast® Automatic Sterilizer from Midmark
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M3 UltraFast® Automatic Sterilizer from Midmark — Nothing upsets my dental practice more than an equipment breakdown. In my practice, it always seems to happen on a Monday morning. In my mind, the three critical things that I need every day are air, suction, and sterilization. If one of these breaks down, I have a huge problem. This is why I look for products that are made by companies that are benchmarks for making dependable equipment. Midmark is one of these companies. You probably are aware of the Midmark line of sterilizers. The new addition to its family of automatic sterilizers is the M3 UltraFast. The M3 is simple to use with one–step loading, push button cycle selection, and an automatic door that opens without operator assistance to begin the drying cycle. At the end of the cycle, you will have dry instruments that are ready to use. Really, it is that simple. Load it, set it, and forget it. When your practice requires instruments and handpieces to be processed quickly, the M3 delivers. You can sterilize unwrapped instruments in only six minutes, and pouched instruments in just more than 10 minutes. The M3 has integrated technology to inform the operator if reservoir water is low or if the condensate tank is full. This eliminates the need to continually monitor water levels. You need to feel confident that the sterilizers in your dental practice will function efficiently every day. As with the entire Midmark sterilizer line, the M3 is designed and built to last. When you require a simple, intelligent, fast sterilizer for your instrument processing needs, the M3 UltraFast delivers. Order from your dealer or visit www.midmark.com for more information.
Griptab from Triodent
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Griptab from Triodent — During my career in dentistry, I have dropped crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers while either trying them in or cementing them in place. On most of these stressful occasions, I have either picked them up myself or my dental assistant has done so with a suction tip. A few times, a patient has swallowed a restoration. How embarrassing it is to ask a patient to have an X–ray to be sure a restoration was swallowed rather than aspirated, and then ask the patient to watch for it in his or her stool. I have tried many systems for holding these restorations but none has been ideal. They either are too strong or not strong enough. At last, there is an effective way to handle indirect restorations. With Griptab, you get a reliable grip with total control. Placing indirect restorations requires precision and a steady hand, but it can be extremely frustrating when a patient swallows one (as has happened to me more than once). Using your fingers with cement over the tips of your gloves also makes for a stressful day. Remember that last second molar you tried to cement a crown to? What we are looking for is something that gives a clean, secure grip and makes placement easy, then comes off easily when we are finished. Think of the value of a handle to a cup. Triodent has applied that same principle to indirect restorations. Griptab makes handling these small objects easy, and puts you in control. Griptab is firmly bonded to the restoration with a light–cured, flexible, moisture and silane–proof adhesive that comes off the restoration cleanly and easily at the end of the procedure. While instruments such as hemostats can be used to hold the Griptab, Triodent's pin tweezers provide more maneuverability, thanks to the pivotal action of the pin grip. This makes placement even easier. Griptab is one of those products that is a must– have for your office. It takes the stress out of restoration–setting appointments while making them faster, better, easier, and more fun. To order, call (800) 811–3849 or visit www.Triodent.com for more information on Griptab and other Triodent products.
CLEARFIL MAJESTY™ Starter Kit from Kuraray
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CLEARFIL MAJESTY™ Starter Kit from Kuraray — A Pearl update. This is a cost–effective way for new customers to begin using the Kuraray MAJESTY series of products. This kit provides a great opportunity to begin placing biomimetic direct composite restorations with optical and mechanical properties that allow you to achieve excellent esthetics and longevity by mimicking the structure and physical properties of natural teeth. The starter kit contains CLEARFIL MAJESTY Esthetic PLT, CLEARFIL MAJESTY Posterior PLT, CLEARFIL MAJESTY Flow, and a technique guide that provides technical suggestions on how to achieve quick operation, durability, and esthetic results. The Dental Advisor has given this product a five–star rating based on one–year clinical performance reports. MAJESTY Esthetic has excellent color matching with a single–shade technique that mimics human dentin. MAJESTY Posterior has physical properties that are close to natural tooth structure, including being filled 92% by weight. MAJESTY Flowable is 81 wt% filled and can be used to restore a Class 1 cavity. Order from your dealer or contact www.kuraraydental.com for more information.
Colgate® Sensitive Pro–Relief™ Desensitizing Paste with Pro–Argin™ Technology
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Colgate® Sensitive Pro–Relief™ Desensitizing Paste with Pro–Argin™ Technology — Sensitivity has always been a problem in the dental practice. Exposed dentin is the main cause of sensitivity, and gingival recession is the primary way dentin is exposed. Patients' discomfort during dental procedures creates a stressful environment that makes treatment by dentists and hygienists more difficult. In severe cases, dentists and hygienists may need to use local anesthetics and work more slowly. This requires subsequent visits. Colgate Sensitive Pro–Relief is a desensitizing paste that provides instant sensitivity relief after one application. The Pro–Argin technology effectively plugs and seals open dentin tubules when polished into teeth with a rotary cup. This makes controlling sensitivity a simple, pain–free experience for the patient. This desensitizing paste is clinically proven to provide sensitivity relief that lasts for four weeks after a single application. It can be used before any dental procedure to effectively provide a significant reduction in dentin hypersensitivity. In my practice, we routinely use Colgate Sensitive Pro–Relief on hygiene patients and on my patients before doing restorative dentistry to assure that all patients have a pain–free dental visit. I find this to be a great practice builder because patients talk about what we do to be pain–free. This is a product you need in your practice to reduce stress and give your patients a better dental experience. The Dental Insurance Code is 09910 – Application of Desensitizing Medicaments. To order, call (800) 372–4346 or visit www.colgateprofessional.com for more information.
New Diamonds with Specific Depth Markings from KOMET
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New Diamonds with Specific Depth Markings from KOMET — Did I get your attention with that title? What do you need another depth cutter for, or do you even have one? Well, I felt the same way until I talked to David Block, who owns the lab that does my laboratory procedures. I asked him what his main problem was with cases he receives from dentists. No, it was not our impressions! It was the amount of occlusal clearance we give him, especially with inlays and onlays. These new KOMET diamond instruments facilitate the safe and rapid anatomical reduction of the occlusal tooth structure to the recommended minimum thickness for ceramic inlay and partial crown restorations. The shorter instrument, 845KRD, has a depth mark at 2 mm, and is the right instrument to be used for inlay preparations. The instruments 6847KRD and 959KRD have longer working parts and depth marks at 2 and 4 mm since they are used for partial crown preparations. To order, call (888) 566–3887 or visit www.komet–usa.com for more information.
Contact Perfect from Arnel Dental
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Contact Perfect from Arnel Dental — Do you struggle to get good contacts with class II composite restorations? Do you have a problem getting a nice, tight, flossable contact? Well, Contact Perfect Matrix Bands may be the answer for you. First, it is simple to use and does not require you to buy a lot of fancy new equipment. All you need is a Tofflemire–type matrix retainer that most dental offices have. Contact Perfect has an innovative design that allows you to remove a window portion of the matrix band after you have placed the band around the tooth and wedge. Removal of the interproximal window allows the uncured resin to expansively flow through and conform for predictable and amazing contacts. For a special introductory offer, call (877) 239–2840 or visit www.contactperfect.com for more information.
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