Click here to enlarge imageTF possesses functionality we could only previously wish for. For example, TF can be used Crown Down, in many cases as a single file technique system. If used appropriately, it can be used confidently in all anatomies. TF is available in five tapers in a fixed 25-tip size: .12, .10, .08, .06, .04, and 23 and 27 mm lengths. Pack configurations include .10, .08, and .06 taper in the "large pack" configuration and .04, .06, and .08 in the "small pack" configuration. The large and small pack configurations are available in 23 and 27 mm lengths.
Along their entire length from orifice to apex, large, open and straight canals (palatal canals) will use (as the final taper) .12 or .10 TF, medium canals (bicuspids) will use .10 or .08 TF, and smaller canals (lower anterior teeth) will use .08 or .06 TF. SybronEndo recommends TF rotation at 500 RPM. TF can be advanced to resistance, cutting approximately 1 to 3 mm of dentin in a two to three second continuously controlled insertion. After withdrawal, the canal is irrigated and recapitulated and the next TF is reinserted, as needed. If there is not significant resistance to enlargement with the first TF, the single file preparation can often be accomplished. If the initial TF encounters significant resistance, the series can alternatively be modified using a multiple file TF Crown Down sequence from larger tapers to smaller.
If single file advancement is not feasible, it is often possible to instrument the whole canal with only two to three TF files, again using Crown Down. I have extensive experience with TF, and it is difficult to imagine that it will take more than three TF files to instrument any given tooth, but the number of TF files per tooth will be dictated by the canal anatomy and not imposed on the tooth by the clinician. If a two-file sequence is possible, larger roots (palatal canal) often only require .12 or .10 TF, medium roots (bicuspids) often only require .10 or .08 TF, and smaller roots (lower anteriors) often only require .08 or .06 TF.