Joseph Blaes, DDS
Pearl #1 - Fitted Gloves by SS White. The number-one area of musculoskeletal pain in a dentist`s body occurs in his or her hands. Hand weakness is reported by one-third of all hygienists. Many professionals whom I have observed do not wear gloves that fit properly. For many years, I have been wearing fitted gloves for all procedures. I have found that they are much, much more comfortable than ambidextrous exam gloves. The exam gloves tend to leave my hands fatigued and stressed. Fitted gloves allow proper blood supply to the muscles and allow you to work in a natural, relaxed position. An orthopedic surgeon would not consider the use of an ambidextrous exam glove. The SS White Fitted Glove will give you an extremely comfortable fit without baggy fingers, a great tactile sense so important in today`s cosmetic procedures, and the ability to wear gloves for long periods of time. All of this at an affordable price - not much more than you would pay for exam gloves. These gloves are not just for the dentist; get some for your hygienists and assistants, too. If hand irritations are a concern, the SS White Ultimate PF is the only fitted glove that is powder-free. SS White offers a no-risk guarantee, so what have you got to lose? Order from your dealer or call SS White at (800) 535-2877 for samples.
Pearl #2 - The Sani-Tip System by Dentsply Preventive Care. Many of us have been avoiding the air/water syringe-tip problem. When research showed a suck-back problem, manufacturers responded with modified tips that could be removed and autoclaved. However, it also has been shown that bioburden builds up in the metal tips. It is important to remember the primary rule of infection control: you cannot sterilize an instrument or device unless the surface is cleaned first. Isn`t that one of the reasons we went to disposable needles? The Sani-Tip System has a number of features worth looking at. It is easy to retrofit existing syringes. The tip is fast and easy to change between patients. It delivers dry air due to a unique water line spindle that the tip is seated on. There are no o-rings to wear and shred. The tip is made of a clear material and is rigid enough to retract the soft tissues. The material is nonconductive, so it can be used to retract when using the electro-surg. If you are concerned about infection control in your office, then give this system a try. I know you will like it. Order from your dealer.
Pearl #3 - "Patient Management: The Relationship Factor" by Dr. Marvin Mansky. Marvin is a good friend of mine whom I met through the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration. At our annual meeting last year, Dr. Mansky presented a program that basically explained how to build relationships with our patients. He has edited a tape of that program to provide us all with some wonderful ideas and techniques. Marvin believes that understanding patient and dentist behavior is one of the most significant factors in building a successful and personally rewarding practice. In this program, he presents a number of concepts such as a five-minute anxiety cure for patients (or for anyone), how to be fully present without distraction for our patients and how to be connected with our patients. He is able to simplify and improve the very complex interactions of the dentist/ patient interchange. It is his belief that the mastery of simple, easy-to-learn techniques can significantly benefit the dentist interested in building a strong, private fee-for-service practice. This is an extremely practical tape that will enable you to form better relationships with everyone you meet. Call Dr. Mansky at (888) 808-8997 to order.
Pearl #4 - RetarDENT Toothpaste by Rowpar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. My long- time friend, Dr. Omer Reed, asked me to try his RetarDENT toothpaste. I have been using it now for a number of months with great results. Just this morning, my wife asked me if we had any more RetarDENT as she was squeezing the last drop out of the tube. She feels that it has made a great difference in how her mouth feels. I certainly cannot argue with that kind of evidence. A few years ago, a survey by the U.S. Army found that soldiers were motivated to care for their teeth, not for plaque control, but by the desire to be kissable! RetarDENT Toothpaste provides the "breath of confidence" to your patients and helps maintain oral wellness between visits to your office. This product and the companion RetarDEX Oral Rinse contain chlorine dioxide, which has the ability to break down the volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause oral malodor. Rowpar`s products have peer-reviewed, published research showing its safety and efficacy. Besides controlling bad breath, research has shown an 87 percent reduction in bleeding on probing and a 75 percent reduction if probing scores are 4 mm or more. Call Rowpar toll-free at (800) 643-3337 to place an order. The products are sold only to dental professionals and selected dental supply companies.
Dr. Blaes has a general practice in the St. Louis area. He is known for his expertise in dental materials and techniques and his innovative systems designs. He writes and lectures on "How To Increase Productivity and Profitability." He may be reached at (314) 434-6808.