Canker-sore hotline

March 1, 1998
Rembrandt Oral Care Products has established a hotline offering welcome relief to canker-sore sufferers. The number, (800) 548-3663, is expected to be a powerful educational resource for those plagued with this painful condition.

Rembrandt Oral Care Products has established a hotline offering welcome relief to canker-sore sufferers. The number, (800) 548-3663, is expected to be a powerful educational resource for those plagued with this painful condition.

Rembrandt has established the hotline in response to thousands of phone calls from grateful consumers who are using Rembrandt Whitening Toothpaste for Canker Sore Sufferers and for the first time are finding relief from frequent canker-sore occurrences. The canker-sore hotline is part of an oral-health educational campaign emphasizing that Rembrandt`s unique Whitening Toothpaste for Canker Sore Sufferers offers relief.

Rembrandt Whitening Toothpaste for Canker Sore Sufferers has been proven in clinical studies to reduce canker-sore occurrences by over 80 percent. In addition, the formula will help whiten teeth up to two shades whiter as well as promote good oral hygiene. The hotline is intended not only to provide important information, but also to get the word out about the toothpaste`s efficacy and benefits, as well as let consumers know where they can find the product in their neighborhood.

Available in a 3 oz. tube, it can be found in pharmacies, chain drug and food stores nationwide.

For more information, call Rembrandt Oral Care Products at (800) 548-3663 or visit their Web site at

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