A glossary of Internet acronyms

Nov. 1, 1998
For those of us who have spent any length of time on the Internet, we have learned that there is a language out there being used that is quite unique. Oftentimes, you will be reading newsgroups or e-mail, or chatting in a chat area, only to find some strange abbreviations.

Jeffrey B. Dalin, DDS

For those of us who have spent any length of time on the Internet, we have learned that there is a language out there being used that is quite unique. Oftentimes, you will be reading newsgroups or e-mail, or chatting in a chat area, only to find some strange abbreviations.

These acronyms are called "Net Speak." I thought it would be useful to publish the following list that will translate some of the more common acronyms that you may see on the Internet. You may need this list one day to communicate with your children - LOL! TTYL... :-) !

AFAIC: As far as I`m concerned

AFAIK: As far as I know

AFK: Away from keyboard

AKA: Also known as

AOL: America Online

ASAP: As soon as possible

BAK: Back at keyboard

BBFN: Bye bye for now

BBL: Be back later

BBS: Be back soon

BCNU: Be seeing you

BRB: Be right back

BTDT: Been there, done that

BTW: By the way

CMIIW: Correct me if I`m wrong

CU: See you

CUL8R: See you later

CYA: See ya

CYL: Catch you later

EMSG: Email message

FAQ: Frequently asked question

FWIW: For what it`s worth

FYA: For your amusement

FYI: For your information

GFN: Gone for now

GTSY: Glad to see you

H&K: Hugs and kisses

HAGN: Have a good night

HAND: Have a nice day

HTH: Happy to help or hope this helps

IC: I see

IME: In my experience

IMHO: In my humble opinion

IMNSHO: In my not so humble opinion

IMO: In my opinion

IRL: In real life

JK: Just kidding

KIT: Keep in touch

L8R: Later

LHO: Laughing head off

LMAO: Laughing my a** off

LOL: Laugh out loud

LTNS: Long time no see

NP: No problem

NRN: No reply necessary

OIC: Oh I see

OL: Out of luck

OTF: On the floor

OTOH: On the other hand

PITA: Pain in the a**

PM: Private message

PMFJI: Pardon me for jumping in

ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing

SETE: Smiling ear to ear

SLAP: Sounds like a plan

SYOL: See you online

SYS: See you soon

TA: Thanks again

TIA: Thanks in advance

TIC: Tongue in cheek

TMK: To my knowledge

TNTL: Trying not to laugh

TNX: Thanks

TOY: Thinking of you

TTFN: Tah-tah for now

TTYL: Talk to you later

TYVM: Thank you very much

WB: Welcome back

WBS: Write back soon

WTG: Way to go

WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get

YT: Yours truly

*g* : Grin

*h* : Hug

*k* : Kiss

*w* : Wink

: Grin

And, of course, there are those cute emoticons...

:-) happy or smiling

;-) winking

:-( sad or frowning

:-& tongue tied

:-D laughing

:-@ screaming

:-o yawning

:-p sticking tongue out

:`( crying/sad

:`) crying/happy

:-> sarcastic

:-[ pouting

:-S incoherent

:-/ undecided

:-# my lips are sealed

:-X my lips are sealed

:-* kisses

:-{} blowing a kiss

((((name)))) hug

o:-) angelic

:-c bummed out

@>-- rose

Jeffrey B. Dalin, DDS, FACD, FAGD, practices general dentistry in St. Louis. He also is the editor of St. Louis Dentistry Magazine and spokesperson and critical-issue-response-team chairperson for the Greater St. Louis Dental Society. He can be reached at [email protected] or by phone, (314) 567-5612; or fax: (314) 567-9047.

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