This image shows a schematic representation of the conventional X-ray film viewing "system."
Click here to enlarge imageHow can radiology be profitable? In a recent survey, the combined median fee for the group of procedures including periodic oral exam (D0120), a four-film bitewing (D0274) and a panoramic X-ray (D0330) totaled $127.
If we subtract the average examination fee ($35) and the average panoramic fee ($65), it leaves $27 for 2 bitewing radiographs. Kodak has published film/processing costs of a single No. 2 film, including technical time (DAs time) at $1.11 per film. Each film then yields a profit of $12.39 on average. That's 11 times its cost, or a 116 percent profit. No wonder dentists don't want to change! Why should they "go digital"?
You're closer than you think
Most of us already own one or several computers. Those that do own computers likely use a patient-management program. If we're already doing "patient management" by computer, what's so hard about "image management" by computer? You have networked your computers to share information. They share the patient database that allows you to make appointments, track collections, and communicate with your patients. Once you add digital peripheral devices, these same computers must share more robust data, such as pictures, X-rays, and voice files.
Image acquisition is the same. You put a receptor in the mouth (a sensor - not film) and then expose it. The display is now on a computer monitor - a much larger version of the image you would have had using film. Now, you and the patient can see the information better. It's magnified automatically, and it's a repeatable quality each time. You're not looking at a 30 x 40 mm image on a view box on a shelf at some distance from the patient. You're looking at a better image, together! You can do "patient education" chair-side, like you do with your video camera image or digital still camera. The patient can see the cavity because it is 50-100 times the size of the image on film! This technology is a practice builder because it creates an educated consumer. And educated consumers will generate profit as well as pride and confidence.