Click here to enlarge image"As they went by my room, people would ask if I was OK and I told them I was. Some even took pictures of my room. Everyone was polite and trying to be helpful.
About 40 minutes later, some firemen came into the room and one of them said, ‘You're out of here, boy!" I started to reach for my bags and he said, ‘You"re out of here; the bags stay."
The firemen walked me down 15 floors of stairs to the ballroom downstairs. They had us stay in the ballroom about three hours. The wife of one of the doctors who was attending the meeting was picking glass out of her feet as a result of high winds blowing out the glass in the windows in their room. She had no shoes on.
"About 1:30 a.m., they told us we could go back to our rooms and get our stuff. I wasn't scheduled to leave Atlanta until the next morning, so I didn't know what else to do but stay in my room in the condition it was in. But another doctor just down the hall came in to my room to tell me he and his wife were leaving right then, and that their room was untouched. He said I was more than welcome to use it.
"When I went down to the room, the doctor's wife said that even though there were two beds in the room, they had only slept in one. So one had clean sheets on it. Clean sheets were the last thing I was worried about at this point, but I thought it was really nice of her.
"The hotel sent up someone to check on me, make sure I didn't need medical attention, or anything else. Although the wall fell on my head, thankfully, there were no injuries.
"At 6 o'clock the next morning, I got into a car to take me to the airport and I had an uneventful flight home. For that, I was most grateful."
And how has this experience left Dr. Webb? He smiles and says, "When you know that no one was seriously injured, it makes the whole thing a fun adventure."
These dentists are tough in the eye of the storm!
Photos courtesy of Gavin Sternberg of D4D Technologies as taken on his iPhone at the site of the tornado that struck the Atlanta area during last month"s Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting.