Wow! There sure is a lot of stuff going on in February! Hopefully, you are going to join us for the exciting Cosmetic Dentistry 2002 conference in Las Vegas on February 14-15. This is becoming one of the premier cosmetic meetings in the country, particularly with the addition of so many hands-on courses this year. Sue and I are going to Salt Lake City for the Winter Olympics in early February. I am really getting excited about that; I've been feeling the excitement ever since the Olympic Torch passed through St. Louis last month.
Toward the end of the month is the huge Chicago Midwinter meeting — always a great place to visit for continuing education and some great restaurants. The month ends up with the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration meeting in Tucson.
Then in March, it's on to the Hinman Meeting in Atlanta. This is one of my favorite meetings. It is well organized, the programs are always the best, the Hinman people are so nice and Atlanta weather is usually hospitable. So be sure to visit Atlanta on March 21-24.
I want you to notice some of the recent changes in the magazine. You will notice another "second cover," which introduces some new columnists to the magazine. I am very proud to be in the same photograph with them. Drs. Ken Koch and Dennis Brave are two very fine endodontists who will be appearing monthly now with solutions for your endo problems. They are two wonderful people and terrific educators. You will find their ideas both innovative and practical. They are not tied to any particular company so they are able to be impartial and tell about the products that work best for them.
We were going to call the column "Endo Pearls" but someone else was already using the Pearls name so we ended up with "Real World Endo." I hope you will follow their monthly column and catch one of their courses to catch up on all that is new and practical in endodontics.
A number of other new faces have joined the magazine as either monthly or bimonthly columnists. Dr. Cathy Jameson has a double-header this month with a feature article on case presentation and the first in her series of monthly columns. If you have ever heard Cathy speak, you know how much enthusiasm she brings to dentistry.
For a couple of years, I have been after Tom Limoli, Jr. to write for Dental Economics on a regular basis. He has so much great information, and he finally has agreed to share it with you every other month. He will base his columns on the "How to Profit From" subject. His first column will tell you how to get reimbursed when you use a laser in your treatment.
There are two great articles in our ongoing "How to Profit From" series. The articles on lasers are from doctors who are from opposite sides of the country yet they both find many uses for the laser in their offices. Dr. Cortes practices in New York City and Dr. Miyasaki practices in Las Vegas. I know that you will find both articles well worth your time because they are packed with great information.
I came across some very useful guidelines for stress prevention at management consultant Larry Wintersteen's Web site, www.
Many of them were great reminders for me. Think and act positively. Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Give yourself credit for a job well done.
Talk frequently to your favorite person. Learn to say "no" without feeling guilty. Make time to communicate with loved ones — do it — don't just think about it!
Celebrate important events. Holidays, hobbies, and vacations are important. Avoid associating with negative people. Experience laughter! Put some fun back into your life!
Joe Blaes, DDS, Editor
Email: [email protected]