For more on this topic, go to and search using the following key words: dental materials, materials update, evidence-based, dental prodcucts, research center.
by Mark Murphy, DDS
Since I will be doing a dental materials update lecture this year, I turned to a local research center for help. In 1984, John Farah, DDS, PhD, and John Powers, PhD, put their advanced degrees to work to provide evidence-based information that helps dentists and their teams select the best products, techniques, and equipment for their practices, saving both time and money.
THE DENTAL ADVISOR in Ann Arbor, Mich. (yes, near the Big House), is an awesome resource for material, technique, and product information. They accept no advertising and rely on subscriptions, product testing, and reprint orders from manufacturers to operate. (My advice to them was to become a nonprofit organization because they hold themselves to the same high standards.) They were the first publication to rate and recommend products to dentists. They have also monitored the clinical performance of many restorative materials over time.
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