Technology Day at the ADA

June 1, 1998
A special Technology Day will feature the latest technology for the dental office on Friday, October 23, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at a pre-session to the 1998 ADA Annual Session (October 24-28) in San Francisco. Technology Day, which has the theme, "Taking the byte out of technology," will showcase everything from computer technology to the latest high-tech dental equipment. This special day will educate the attendees about how technology enhances the practice of dentistry.

A special Technology Day will feature the latest technology for the dental office on Friday, October 23, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at a pre-session to the 1998 ADA Annual Session (October 24-28) in San Francisco. Technology Day, which has the theme, "Taking the byte out of technology," will showcase everything from computer technology to the latest high-tech dental equipment. This special day will educate the attendees about how technology enhances the practice of dentistry.

Dr. Lewis Turchi, chair of the ADA Dental Information Technology Committee (DIT), which spearheaded the program`s development, says: "This a great opportunity to learn about integration of dental technology into the practice of dentistry to enhance both the design of the office and to provide better patient care. Technology Day is designed for dentists and their teams and from beginners to advanced. Dentists and dental teams will learn about the latest in technology, gain hands-on experience in the exhibits and become prepared to make the necessary decisions to take their practices to a new level in technology."

Technology is too expensive to be an add-on in the dental practice ... it must be as integral a part of dentistry as the dental chair. Learn how you can use technology to communicate with patients, deliver clinical services more effectively and develop relationships while creating a practice with a human touch. Learn from dental professionals and educators on how to assess technology and equipment.

Dr. Terry Dickinson, chairman, Council on ADA Sessions and International Programs, says: "Technology Day is a great opportunity to spend the day with dentistry`s top experts in the technology area and learn how technology will affect dentistry tomorrow."

Presentations will include lectures and exhibits on such topics as intraoral cameras, electronic-insurance claims, connecting to the Internet, practice-management software, office design, digital imaging, teleconferencing, ergonomic office design, what is inside your PC, what a megabyte is, how to add memory to your computer and live video conference/consultation via the Internet. In addition, there will be questio- and-answer sessions.

The following speakers will be featured: Joseph Blaes, Mo; Steven Brookbank, Pa; Robert Coens, Texas; Robert Davis, Calif; James Day, Wash; Mark Diehl, Md; David Dodell, Ariz; Lawrence Emmott, Ariz; Cheryl Farr, Calif; Paul Feuerstein, Mass; John Flucke, Mo; Barry Freydberg, Ill; Randy Huffines, Tenn; Mary Beth Joiner, Tenn; Claudio Levato, Ill; James McMillen, Calif; Imitaz Manji, BC, Canada; Dale Miles, Ind; Robert Owens, Ill; Robert M. Pick, Ill; Risa Pollack-Simon, Calif; Scott Trapp, Neb; and Michael Unthank, Neb.

More than 30 scientific programs for the dentist and team are scheduled. They will include:

* Strategies for getting started: Robert Davis, DDS; Lawrence Emmott, DDS; Claudlio Levato, DDS; Paul Feuerstein, DDS.

The influx of technology into dentistry can be confusing and intimidating to the average dentist and dental team. We all are bombarded with claims and counter-claims in the mail and in dental journals every day. Sifting through this barrage of contradictory and highly technical information is daunting at times for the most sophisticated techno-dentists. No one can know it all in today`s dental high-tech environment.

What separates successful techno-dentists from the rest of the pack right now is not what they know, but what they know how to find out. The mark of a successful professional today is access to information and the ability to utilize that information to the advantage of the practice and the patients. Although there is no "right way" to integrate technology into a dental practice, some techniques and styles have been successful. Avoid re-inventing the wheel with dental technology. Learn what works and why from those who are doing it everyday.

* Thriving in the high-tech dental office: together everyone achieves more: Robert Davis, DDS; Lawrence Emmott, DDS; Claudio Levato, DDS.

The entire team is involved in the implementation of the new technologies in the practice. Everyone must be involved from the beginning. Topics include initial purchasing decisions, initial training, ongoing training, delegation/ empowerment, and return on investment and rewards.

* Introduction to digital imaging: Jim Clark, John C. Flucke, DDS; Dale A. Miles, DDS, MS.

What is digital imaging? Why is digital imaging important? How can it be accomplished? This program presents the acquisition of intraoral images by digital systems. The principles of the charged-coupled device (CCD) and photostimulable phosphors (PSPs) are discussed including present and future applications. We will review sensors from various intraoral cameras and discuss advantages and disadvantages of these systems. Image processing techniques that can improve detection of diseases such as caries and periodontal bone loss are included. Topics include: intraoral photography with film and digital cameras; techniques, archiving and software of digital imaging; and image storage - including external storage options.

* Integrating technology into your practice: Michael Unthank, DDS.

Dental practice is becoming a "high-tech" endeavor at an ever-increasing rate. The successful integration of technology results in an environment that allows your patients to make better decisions while enhancing the ability of dentists to provide the finest patient care. To stay current with the continuous introduction of various technologies, a dental office must be designed to be adaptable and flexible. Design solutions illustrating the successful and efficient integration of technology into your practice are presented in this session.

Topics include: how to communicate a high tech "state-of-the-art quality" in the office environment; how the image of a practice starts at the front door (the patient reception area is the patient "perception" area); communicating quality through office design; and creating a consistent image of quality throughout the office.

* Ergosize: Applying ergonomic principles to the high-tech patient-care environment: Risa Pollack-Simon.

Form follows function. Therefore, the configuration of each treatment room must follow the required tasks performed in that environment. This program includes coaching the chairside dental team to operate more efficiently in an ergonomically sound, high-tech atmosphere. An emphasis is placed on minimizing motion and the extent of reach, while optimizing visual access to monitors and critical support equipment during treatment.

Topics include: how to "ergosize" your treatment environment to control the quality of care, reduce musculoskeletal stress, strengthen your chairside message, maximize the use of your auxiliaries, optimize the use of clinical terminals and enhance the overall patient-care experience.

* What is inside your PC? How can you make sense of those confusing ads? Paul Feuerstein, DDS.

Learn how a computer is assembled. This session considers the specifications of the PC. Terms such as CPU, RAM and megabytes are defined and discussed. Computer components are displayed for inspection and instruction. Participants learn how to do simple upgrades.

* Technology: Embracing change rather than resisting it: Joseph A. Blaes, DDS.

Prepare your team members for change through helping them understand the benefits of technology in your practice. Learn positive steps you and your team can take so that the entire team embraces change rather than resists it. Peak performers form successful habits that will allow them to rise to greater heights of achievement. Attendees will learn successful habits that are practiced by positive, energized teams. Put the systems in place that will allow your practice to soar into the next century.

* Connect to the "Net" and log-on to the future: Robert M. Pick, DDS.

This program examines the basics of the Internet: What it is, how it works and how to access the OWorld Wide WebO with ease and without fear. Live on the ONetO and learn the fundamentals of accessing information and Osurfing the Net.O The program concludes with live video conferencing/consultation via the Internet.

* Take home Web: James Day, DDS; Randy Huffines, DDS.

This program is an interactive tour featuring efficient and effective use of Web-based educational and reference sites. Learn why, how and when to make this resource work for improved patient outcomes. A self-executable program on floppy disk with site descriptions is demonstrated and available to attendees.

To request a preview for the 1998 ADA Annual Session or a complete listing of courses and description, call (800) 621-8099, x2745; ADA Web address: session or e-mail: session

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