Click here to enlarge imagePearl 4 - ComfortSpa™ by National Dental, Inc. Many practices use a hot-towel service to give their patients that wow! experience. My dental team has struggled for years with everything from heating washable face cloths in Crock-Pots and expensive ovens to microwaving low-quality, prepackaged paper towelettes.
Musty towels and inconsistent staff compliance (due to inconvenience and limited shelf space) have made hot-towel service a hit-and-miss proposition in my office. Please don't misunderstand me; my patients love to have hot towels, but our service was always inconsistent.
Now comes the ComfortSpa™ Auto matic Hot Towel Maker with advanced technology to make hot-towel service quick, easy, and economical. The ComfortSpa™ could not be quicker or simpler to use, and the cost per towel is up to 25 percent less than the most popular premoistened towelettes.
More luxurious than paper products, ComfortSpa™ towels are made of environmentally friendly, 100 percent natural woven cloth fibers. Because they are stored dry until needed, there is nothing to worry about in terms of shelf life or bacteria growth.
Designed with busy dental office schedules in mind, the ComfortSpa™ measures, steams or chills, moistens, cuts, rolls, and dispenses a fresh scented or unscented, soothing towel roll in less than three seconds at the touch of a button.
For maximum wow!, offer your patients a comforting, hot towel as soon as they are seated in your dental chair.
It's a great way to say "Welcome to our practice." With this little extra, your patients will be more relaxed and content as you initiate treatment.
Perspiration, prophy-jet and high-speed splatter, aluminum oxide particles, impression materials, saliva, and more are easily cleaned up with a soothing hot towel. Your patients will leave the treatment area refreshed!
The ComfortSpa™ greatly enhances the overall patient experience in a simple, cost-effective manner.
The result will be happier patients, improved patient relations, increased patient appreciation for dental team members, happier dental teams, and patients who just can't help telling their family and friends about your first-class dental practice.
Order from your dealer, or call National Dental, Inc. at (800) 392-1171 for more information.
Dr. Blaes has a general practice in the St. Louis area. He is known for his expertise in dental materials and techniques and his innovative systems designs. He writes and lectures on "How To Increase Productivity and Profitability." Dr. Blaes is a member of the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration. He may be reached at [email protected].