A new and improved DE®!

Sept. 1, 2006
Welcome to the new Dental Economics®! We have been working on revamping the magazine for a few months now and are finally ready to roll out the changes.

Welcome to the new Dental Economics®! We have been working on revamping the magazine for a few months now and are finally ready to roll out the changes.

You have already seen the new cover. We looked at a lot of different ideas for our cover, but finally chose this one. It is a total departure from the past, but gives what I feel is a great new look. I hear dentists refer to the magazine as DE all the time, so I think it is appropriate. This new format will allow us to do many exciting things on the cover in the future.

As you move inside the magazine, you will see other changes as well. Some of your favorite columnists have been given a new format of two pages instead of the familiar one page. They will be featured every other month, so you will notice in this issue that some of the columnists are missing. They will be in the October issue. Each of these columnists has been assigned either odd months (January, March, May, July, September, and November) or even months (February, April, June, August, October, and December) for their column to appear in DE. I feel that this will give them more space to expand on the ideas that they present to you, the reader.

You have probably already noticed that there are colors on the pages that will make it easy for you to find columns and articles. All of these changes have been done with you in mind. We are not finished - this, like most changes, is a work in progress. I hope you like what you see!

I would again like to call your attention to the PennWell Dental Division’s newest magazine, Grand Rounds in Oral-Systemic Medicine. I would encourage you to subscribe by visiting the Web site at www.thesystemiclink.com. Here you will find the copies you have missed and instructions to sign up for future issues. This is a great quarterly peer-reviewed magazine which explores the current research of the connections between oral conditions and disease in other parts of the body. Fascinating reading!

Along this line, don’t miss the article in this issue by my good friend, Dr. Michael Robichaux. The article is titled, “The Mouth is the Gauge of the Body’s Health.” In it, Dr. Robichaux explains how six subclinical defects are present in all chronic illnesses, infections, and toxicities, and they all show up in the mouth! This has changed his outlook on his responsibility to his patients. This is a must read for every dentist!

I hope you are going to Las Vegas for the annual meeting of the American Dental Association. The cover story is about a very successful dentist who practices in Las Vegas, Dr. Joe Willardsen. He shares his secrets of success in his very young practice that started out with only one chair. He has built an extremely successful practice that any of us could model our practices after. While you are in Vegas, give him a call.

I have done a lot of research with a number of the dental manufacturing companies about the exciting new products which will be introduced at the ADA Meeting. Out of this research comes an article with 32 products that you must see in the exhibit area. Tear these pages out and take them with you in October! I have just scratched the surface. I hope you will visit all the exhibitors and ask them to show you their newest and best. Remember, these are the people who support our meetings, large and small, all over the country. Show that you support them!

We also have an important article on controlling infections through the use of proper hand care in the dental office, at home, and in all we do in our busy lives. Be sure to read, “What You Don’t Know Can Kill You - Literally!” This is scary reading!

See you next month.

Joe Blaes, DDS, Editor - e-mail: [email protected]
Toll-free phone number: (866) 274-4500

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