Dr. Jim Carney (back row, second from left) with Jamaica mission team in July 2008 |
In addition to its efforts to facilitate mission trip opportunities, the CDS hosts an annual conference for members and families. Past speakers at these conferences have included Jim and Naomi Rhode, Dr. Van Haywood, and Dr. Pascal Magne, as well as a host of experienced missionary dentists with some amazing stories to tell.
The following is an example of the type of work CDS does around the world.
Jammin' Jamaica
In 1979, while in college, Dr. Jim Carney was vacationing in Montego Bay, Jamaica. It was a most enjoyable trip, prompting him to want to return to the country.
But unwilling to merely enjoy all that Jamaica had to offer, he pondered, "What might I be able to do to help the wonderful people of Jamaica?"
A few years later, after completing dental school at the University of Iowa, he responded to an appeal from the Christian Dental Society to offer free dental services in Jamaica. Little did he know at the time just how involved he would eventually become.
Since that time, Dr. Carney, who practices in Lombard, Ill., has made more than 60 trips to Jamaica. He has also established seven dental clinics in various areas of Jamaica, enabling many others to share in this work.
Approximately 70 to 80 dentists have accompanied Dr. Carney on these trips, many of whom subsequently returned to these clinics for additional trips.
In addition, about 160 dental students from schools such as Iowa, Temple, Pittsburgh, and Michigan have joined Dr. Carney on these trips. This has provided an excellent opportunity for the students to greatly expand their dental knowledge and experience by working with experienced doctors for patients who are most grateful for their services.
As Dr. Carney reflected on his many trips through the years, he commented, "I still love the people and feel energized each and every time I go."
Many of Dr. Carney's trips are a family affair, involving his wife, Sue, who is also a dentist, and their children, Kelly and Madeline, who have developed into most capable assistants. Dr. Carney describes this as "quality family time at its best."
The clinics that Dr. Carney has established have given other dentists the opportunity to treat the people of Jamaica without having to transport their own equipment. Dr. John Drescher, a veteran of 16 trips to Jamaica, is particularly grateful for Dr. Carney's clinics.
"They make it easier for me to go on missions to Jamaica," stated Dr. Drescher.