Large Practice Sales, LLC


About Large Practice Sales, LLC


More Info on Large Practice Sales, LLC

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LPS specializes in helping dentists of all specialties monetize a part of their practice for cash at today’s low tax rates with silent partners known as Invisible Dental Support Organizations or IDSOs. Doctors retain ownership and continue to lead their practice under their brand team and strategy for years or decades. Doctors diversify their largest investment, their practice, and have potentially large upside gains in their retained ownership. An IDSO partnership is not a short term exit, but rather a long-term wealth building partnership. Your new partner can provide capital and expertise to assist you in expansion, new offices or acquisitions. They can also help you market more effectively, operate more efficiently and receive new patient referrals from other practices they may own now or in the future. Every transaction is structured to meet your personal goals. LPS has completed over $100,000,000 of transactions for doctors under 45 in the last year and over $500,000,000 of dental practice transactions with IDSOs in the last 36 months. In 2020, LPS completed transactions with 16 IDSOs in 18 states. LPS has partnered dozens of great practices with over 30 IDSOs from Honolulu to Boston. Our dedicated research team identifies and completes due diligence on legacy IDSOs and the new ones formed every week. 

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