Fig. 2) Reaching in a thumbs–up position places the shoulder joint in a more neutral position and reduces joint compression and degeneration.
Click here to enlarge imageTry this simple exercise: While sitting, roll your shoulder slightly forward, as though reaching for the light, and very slowly raise your arm straight forward in a palms–down position. Most people will feel an uncomfortable “clunk” just after the arm passes the horizontal plane. Now rotate your hand to a thumbs–up position. Repeat the test and you will notice there is no clunk at all, and your shoulder joint will glide smoothly into full flexion.
You may notice that some operatory lights have a vertical handle. Was this ergonomic design intended to address biomechanics of the shoulder? It's hard to say, but regardless, this orientation of the handle encourages proper movement of the shoulder.
While this shoulder movement is easily preserved when reaching for handpieces, which are usually positioned vertically on the delivery system, it becomes more challenging when retrieving instruments lying flat on the delivery system.
Strive to reach toward the delivery system (especially if it is positioned to one side of the dentist) with a thumbs–up position, and do not rotate the hand to a palms–down position until the very last moment to retrieve the instrument. This side–reaching pattern is challenging, but with practice can easily become a habit. Palms–down reaching is especially damaging to the shoulder when performed repeatedly to one side (abduction) and even worse when reaching above elbow height.
3) Twisting to retrieve instruments
Studies show that twisting repeatedly toward one side can contribute to low back pain. This movement can be caused by a rear delivery system used in a two–handed operatory, or by dentists who insist on retrieving their own handpieces or instruments and changing their own burs. Ideally, dentists who operate with a rear delivery system should practice true four–handed dentistry, where the assistant is fully utilized to change burs, etc., and provide efficient instrument transfers throughout the procedure.
When operating alone, dentists or hygienists should practice retrieving handpieces and instruments with the nondominant hand and transferring them to the dominant hand. It may take a few extra seconds to make the transfer, but it is very likely that repeated one–way trunk twisting would reduce your number of years in your career.
Movement is generally a good idea in the operatory to counteract damaging microtrauma caused by prolonged, static postures; however, certain movement patterns in the operatory should be avoided and replaced with safer, kinesiologically sound motions that allow your body to move in its most neutral anatomical planes.
Bethany Valachi, PT, MS, CEAS, is a physical therapist, dental ergonomic consultant, and CEO of Posturedontics®, a company that provides research–based dental ergonomic education. She lectures internationally, and is an instructor of ergonomics at OHSU School of Dentistry. Valachi covers the above topics and more in her book, “Practice Dentistry Pain–Free,” available at or by calling (503) 291–5121.