Will dental insurance kill my practice?

March 1, 2022
It is no secret that we live in a day and age where inflation and insurance fees are trending in the opposite direction. In this DE Solutions Lab, find relief from ongoing and never-ending battle with insurance.

It is no secret that we live in a day and age where inflation and insurance fees are trending in the opposite direction. Yet, insurance participation among dentists in the United States still seems to be at an all time high.

This event will address a few of the issues surrounding insurance participation that every dentist needs to be aware of.

More importantly, proven solutions will be shared that will help practice owners navigate the complex insurance related issues that threaten their practices. From low insurance fees, denied claims, pending fee cuts from certain insurance plans, out of network strategies and more…our goal is to help you find relief from ongoing and never ending battle with insurance.


Ben Tuinei began his dental career in 2007, working for a10 location group practice in Phoenix AZ managing all insurance related functions. In 2009, he opened a business to serve the PPO fee negotiating needs of dentists nationwide. To date, he has worked with over 7000 dentists, influencing over 3 billion dollars of  negotiated revenue for his clients.


Pamela Maragliano-Muniz, DMD FACP - Chief Editor of Dental Economics.

About the Author

Benjamin Tuinei, president of Veritas Dental Resources

Benjamin Tuinei, president of Veritas Dental Resources, works to help dentists improve insurance reimbursements. He has been recognized by several state dental associations and continuing education institutions as “the authority” on PPO strategies and fee negotiating. He has worked with 9,000-plus dentists and influenced more than $5 billion in negotiated revenue for his clients. To learn more, visit veritasdentalresources.com.