
Dental Economics Rising Stars Award: Alyssa Fisher, DDS

March 8, 2024
Meet our newest winner of the prestigious Dental Economics Rising Stars in Dentistry Award: Dr. Alyssa Fisher.

When it comes to balancing clinical excellence, a thriving practice, community outreach, and a family life, Dr. Alyssa Fisher sets the standard for young dentists. She leads with empathy and compassion, and patients near and far have benefited from her kindness. We had a chance to sit down with her to discuss how she not only does it all, but does it all well.—Pamela Maragliano-Muniz, DMD

Alyssa Fisher, DDS
Indiana University School of Dentistry, 2018

Have you endured any struggles in your journey? If so, how do you manage them or how have you overcome them?

In the wake of the pandemic, dentists all around the world faced unprecedented challenges. I had to navigate the pandemic as a dentist and new mother. My journey was marked by resilience, adaptability, and determination. As the proud owner of Tooth Acres Dentistry, I was acutely aware of the impact the pandemic would have on my practice, my patients, and my team. Yet, armed with a steadfast commitment to excellence and a proactive approach to safety, our team rose to the challenge with grace and fortitude. In addition to my professional responsibilities, I faced the added complexity of balancing motherhood with my role as a dental practice owner. Early in my ownership of Tooth Acres, I had two maternity leaves which presented unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Juggling the demands of caring for a newborn while overseeing the operations of a busy dental practice required flexibility, resourcefulness, and a supportive team. Together, we were able to navigate my physical absence from the office successfully, not once, but twice.

What advice would you provide to dental students and new grads?

Embarking on the journey of dentistry as a new graduate is both exhilarating and daunting. With the excitement of starting a new chapter in your career comes the responsibility of navigating the complexities of the profession and setting yourself up for long-term success. As someone who has traversed this path and emerged stronger for it, I offer the following advice to new dental graduates, gleaned from my own experiences and lessons learned along the way.

First and foremost, finding an office that offers mentorship is priceless. As a new graduate, the guidance and support of an experienced mentor can make all the difference in your transition from student to practitioner.

Equally important, make sure that the practice you enter is healthy and conducive to your professional growth. Pay attention to key indicators of practice health. Shadow the office to observe firsthand how the team works together, the patient flow, and the overall environment.

Personal finance is another crucial aspect of navigating life as a new dental graduate. While the temptation to splurge on luxuries may be strong, resist the urge to stretch your finances too thin. Keep your purchases modest and prioritize financial stability and security.

If you have the opportunity to join a professional dental organization in your area, I highly encourage you to do so. During my time of service and as a member of the Isaac Knapp District Dental Society, I was able to expand my professional network and develop friendships with others in my profession.

Lastly, recognize the importance of constantly working on yourself and being open to feedback from others. Approach each day with a spirit of humility and a willingness to learn from every experience. By committing yourself to personal and professional growth, you will become not only a better dentist, but also a better health-care provider and leader. 

Editor's note: This article appeared in the March 2024 print edition of Dental Economics magazine. Dentists in North America are eligible for a complimentary print subscription. Sign up here.

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