DE's Business Lab: KaVo electric handpieces

April 18, 2024
Drs. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz and Joshua Austin share why you should consider using KaVo electric handpieces in your dental practice.

Dr. Joshua Austin and I agree that once you pick up an electric handpiece, you’ll never want to go back to air-driven. He and I find it hard to believe that some practices still use air-driven handpieces.

When you do shop for an electric handpiece, or if you need a new one, we recommend KaVo. Their handpieces just keep running and running, they have all the features you need, and they have a huge variety of settings. KaVo electric handpieces include details that make daily practice much easier, and most important, they’re comfortable in patients’ mouths.

KaVo allows dentists to test their handpieces before purchase, and we can almost guarantee you won’t want to send them back. And while it’s up to us to take care of our handpieces, if you do need to send them off for maintenance, KaVo has a 48-hour turnaround time.

Listen to more of our discussion here. The bottom line? KaVo electric handpieces make dentistry fun!

Learn more about KaVo

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