
DE Rising Star Award Recipient: James Wanamaker, DDS

April 16, 2024
Each month we celebrate an outstanding dentist who has graduated within the past 10 years and is making waves in the dental industry. Congrats to this month's recipient!

The ability for a young dentist to see the forest through the trees is remarkable. Many dentists focus their energy within the four walls of their dental practices, without acknowledging or contributing to a greater cause. This incredible dentist demonstrates an unwavering commitment to his practice, CE, his family, and his peers and colleagues through his contributions to organized dentistry. Read on to see why Dr. James Wanamaker is this month’s DE Rising Star! 

When and where did you graduate?

SUNY Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, 2016

Can you share some career highlights?

One was becoming the director of education for IgniteDDS in 2023. I started working with Dr. David Rice in 2014 while I was a second-year dental student. Since then, I’ve seen firsthand the benefit of investing in high-quality CE, and this role allows me to help other new dentists gain that knowledge. The second highlight was being elected to chair the ADA New Dentist Committee for 2024/2025.

What are some wins and challenges associated with building your own practice?

I purchased my fee-for-service practice in 2019 from a dentist who retired in 2020. The biggest challenge was being a new owner when the government shut down dental practices. This reinforced the importance of being involved in organized dentistry, because if we don’t advocate for our profession, no one else will. An additional challenge, which has since become a win, was shifting the mentality of my patients from “one tooth at a time” emergency dentistry to comprehensive, proactive care.

What CE has made an impact on your patient care?

My view of dentistry profoundly shifted when I started taking the Dawson Academy curriculum and ImP.R.E.S. Courses. The dental school and the insurance-based models emphasize “tooth at a time” treatment rather than comprehensive care. Dawson taught me predictable comprehensive care with a focus on the occlusion, while ImP.R.E.S. gave me the photography and esthetic skills needed to restore a patient’s dentition.

What are your current goals?

In October, I will become chair of the ADA New Dentist Committee, which includes a vote on the board of trustees. My goal is to increase resources for new dentists, strengthen our advocacy, and increase member value. I attribute a portion of my success to the mentors and camaraderie of organized dentistry, so it is important to me to give back to help others achieve success.

How do you maintain work-life balance?

I have a fantastic wife who helps keep me in check and inspires me to pursue my goals, and we take regular family vacations to reconnect and recharge. With CE, my position on the New Dentist Committee, and my role at IgniteDDS, I am on the road frequently. I am grateful for my partner, Dr. Sean Smith, and our team who keep the office afloat while I’m away.

What advice would you give dental students/new grads?

Find a mentor who exhibits the future you desire, then forget to pay it forward and start mentoring those who are coming up behind you.

Are you ready to shine the spotlight on the brilliant young dentists who are revolutionizing the world of dental care? Submit your nomination today!

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